Workshop at Christ School, Bengaluru

environment workshops

What’s that saying- “Teach them young and teach them right!”. We got an opportunity to visit Christ School, Bengaluru and interact with the bright young minds of the school.

The aim was to inculcate ecologically sustainable practices  when they are still young.

We taught them the basics of waste management, what is recyclable and what is not, how to decide what we throw into our dustbins, everyday environment friendly tips and practices, perils of improper waste management and much more…

It was heartening to see the kids grasp the concepts so well. They also fared well in a some games and quizzes we conducted after the workshop.

The three finalist teams received notebooks made of recycled paper and the winning team walked away with the “Eco-Champs” trophy!

If you’d like to hold a workshop about ecologically sustainable practices in your schools, offices, communities, apartments etc.,  write to us here.


environment workshops

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