Plastic mania!

plastic waste

Plastics, the cheap wonder substance that has made our lives easier over the years, is now the devil that is responsible for everything from pollution to cancer.

This is because we have exploited plastics to alarming levels, and we eat, breathe, wear and sleep plastic, literally. Plastics have invaded our lives to such an extent that we are likely to have micro/nano sized plastic particles in our blood stream. While a lot of these micro-particles might pass through our blood stream undetected, a lot of them could be carcinogenic or have hormone disrupting properties.

The idea is not to scare people, the idea is to be conscious of what we are doing to our environment, because it would decide what we are putting into our bodies, as well.

How can we start making a difference? By making changes in our kitchens, in our food choices, in our shopping choices, in our homes.

Next post-> How to make eco-sensitive choices?- Chapter 1

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